Jack Howard

Spiral Health Founder & Clinical Director Physiotherapist BSc (Hons), MCSP, MHCPC

Jack qualified in 2017 from the University of Birmingham with a Physiotherapy BSc with Honours and quickly accepted a junior physiotherapist role in the NHS where he went onto gain invaluable experience.

Jack completed rotations in stroke medicine, MSK, hand therapy, care of the elderly, trauma & orthopaedics, acute medicine and respiratory medicine. Jack has varied experience managing both adult & paediatric acute and chronic injuries and worked closely alongside clinical specialists throughout his time in the NHS. He provided clinical mentorship for several students and junior physiotherapists, and always enjoyed this aspect of his role.

During his time in acute medicine, Jack worked closely with consultants, physician associates and other allied health professionals, and was key in the implementation of a successful Falls Prevention Program. Jack was an integral part of the discharge pathway, ensuring a smooth and safe transition for patients from hospital to home. He quickly realised that community support was lacking and rehabilitation needs were not being met and wanted to be a part of a solution to this problem.
Jack also developed a passion for musculoskeletal physiotherapy as he could see the difference he was making in his patient’s lives, and found it incredibly rewarding. He has always been passionate about accessibility to high-quality rehabilitation. His main aim is to try and make rehab as personal to his patients as possible, finding what is important to them and working hard to help them reach their goals.

After more than 3 years of working in the NHS, Jack decided it was time for a change, and needed to work towards a better work/life balance. Providing high-quality rehab means a lot to him, and he felt he would only be able to showcase the full effectiveness and potential that physiotherapy has to offer outside the limitations of the NHS. Spiral Health was born!

Jack is a graduate of Princethorpe College where he was able to nurture a love for sport and physical activity alongside his academic studies. Throughout his life, Jack has been a keen sportsman and has inevitably sustained injuries along the way, giving him great insight into personal recovery journeys! He has previously represented Warwickshire in field hockey, however is currently enjoying a more laid back “weekend warrior” approach to sport; playing cricket for Kenilworth CC 1st team and Sunday league football.


Years of Experience


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