Frequently asked questions

What to expect from your initial consultation?

Your initial appointment will last 1hour. This enables us to complete a thorough assessment, start treatment and put together a plan on getting you better.

Initially, we ask questions about your pain, such as when and how it started. We will also take a brief medical history, as certain underlying medical conditions can influence musculoskeletal issues.

Following this, there will be a physical or an ‘objective’ assessment, which will involve ‘palpating’ (feeling) the different structures around the painful area but may also include an assessment of other joints that may be contributing to your issue. Therefore, we ask you to dress appropriately. i.e. shorts for lower limb issues and a vest top for the upper limb.

Following assessment, we will begin treatment right away which may include manual therapy such as massage, soft tissue mobilisation, taping or joint mobilisations.

We will work with you to establish your goals, to understand your expectations from physiotherapy, and what you want to get out of the sessions.

We will then agree on a treatment plan depending on your individual needs.

You will receive an email within 24hours of your session, containing a link to your Physitrak app login, which will contain all the information and exercises discussed in the session.

If there is anything you are not sure about please drop us an email before your session. We look forward to seeing you soon. 

Frequently asked questions

We are based across Warwickshire, we can visit your home or office all across Kenilworth, Leamington and Warwick. If you are not sure if this is right for you, please send us an email!
For upper limb issues you will need to wear a vest top, for lower limb issues shorts are advisable. This will only be for a short amount of time while we do the physical assessment, for all other elements of the session, wear something you feel comfortable to move in.

Get In Touch

To book an appointment please fill-out the form.